Bronycon 2019 Captains Scootaloo’s
Scootaloo’s Log
Event: BronyCon 2019
Stardate: ANMA (After Nightmare Moon’s attack
Day 1
The chaos…It was as if Discord himself opened up the gates of Hades and let in every soul possible and we were all left to fend for ourselves Purchase after purchase in an endless Tirade of Chaos and Patrons Running around grabbing whatever they could as if their only care was this is the end… The end of all the fun. I did meet a strange fellow though a man in the guise of Daring Do. He was funny at least imagine this scenario.
Him- We are Doing God’s work!
Me- What?
Him- *Grabs Plushie from the booth behind me and squeaks the plushie in my ear*
I laugh but come to find out later he brought in a dog toy and asked someone at that booth to sew it into the plushie….. I was astounded and laughed some more though I didn’t get a picture of him until day two here he is:
Next Gentleman I met can only be described as He- Ra Although a guy he wore it absolutely well. I was amazed and needed that picture in my life:

I also got a nice Happy Hearths warming from Santa and his elf.

End of Day one things only got more maddening in day 2.
Scootaloo’s Log
Event: BronyCon 2019
Stardate: ANMA (After Nightmare Moon’s attack
Day 2
Status- More then half the Merchandise gone
I found myself in Chaos once again as if Dante Traversing the sections of hell just to find his beloved Beatrice. Every time someone asked ” Do you have this character?” My heart sunk but I did meet some cool cosplays:
But last I found the most wanted woman in America!
Just saying Donald Trump Better Compensate me for that Picture and reporting she was at the Convention center!

I carried on with My Sales meeting more and more people that astounded me and made me not understand the meaning of things Like these guys:

Sweet anime Jesus hold me! I’m Scared Abort!!! After that it was scary as I think Carmen brought Julius Cesar back through time… or one of the V.I.L.E. Agents did it don’t look it’s NSFW:

And let’s end day 2 there a bit highlightswise
Scootaloo’s Log
Event: BronyCon 2019
Stardate: ANMA (After Nightmare Moon’s attack
Day 3
In the daytime I’m scootaloo just an equestrian girl with an equestrian life but I have a secret to share
I found Rena Rouge!

And now the best cosplay of the entire Convention because I almost cried like everyone who saw him!

That’s it for Day 3 now let’s carry on
Scootaloo’s Log
Event: BronyCon 2019
Stardate: ANMA (After Nightmare Moon’s attack
Day 4 (Dawn of the final day due to hacking the 4th Matrix)
So….this is it the highlights are over the chaos we only had 3 blankets left to sell Some mouse pads some things but let us praise the man that made this fun possible

The Traffic Cone He Saves our lives every day! He makes sure we don’t fall into trouble. Shame on you Hasbro for never putting him in!
Next Let’s throw in all the rest of the cos-players as honorable mentions because these guys are beautiful!!!
Eek! Ponyta’s brother No Idea what the hell this is Fallout! Get to the Chop- I mean Vault! Hi pinkie You’ve got two empty halves of coconut and you’re bangin’ ’em together Hi dipper He’s cosplaying as a cashew Can’t you tell? Son of Kirrito and Asuna Mario Your princess is in another convention center GHOST NAPPA! Flim and Flam Raindude SpiderHam
And Lastly We have the man of the hour! Torben!

Now if you missed your chance to buy Merch from my friend here at the Convention keep your shorts on!
For Brony Merch
For Furry Merch
Now what are you waiting for! Go check him out! We bought stuff from him Take a look!!!
His stuff is like the best and we had fun selling with him. Now don’t forget not to leave us hanging also share this on social media platforms and keep stuff like this coming in by subscribing!!
-Roxanne Wolfe
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