New comic coming
Our new wildly outrageous simple series of comedy random shit and madness will be coming right here to wolfduckstudios as issue 1 very soon my faithful subscribers now sadly the[…]
Our new wildly outrageous simple series of comedy random shit and madness will be coming right here to wolfduckstudios as issue 1 very soon my faithful subscribers now sadly the[…]
Scootaloo’s LogEvent: BronyCon 2019 Stardate: ANMA (After Nightmare Moon’s attackDay 1 The chaos…It was as if Discord himself opened up the gates of Hades and let in every soul possible[…]
Hi! It’s the Blogger with a sarcastic personality me! Roxanne Wolfe! So Trumpy Duck has been posting a lot of bad things about Baltimore! So I ask Mister Trumpy Duck,[…]
Hey guys I’m busy doin stuff you know me the wolf you love respect and all round party person.
I’m going to be lax with the Netflix reviews until after[…]
So as a promotion to get a new shirt press as ours broke.
And in our minds of stupidity we are going to start selling rubber ducks at $5 a[…]
Hey guys so we are in a crunch still we want to build the studio and animate full time so please have out backs and click here to donate Enter[…]
I am the terror that flies on light bulbs! I am the thing that creeps out all manner of Flaming horses.
I am The Anti Social Moth! I shouldn’t need[…]
We are about to make some updates here is a small preview: Please Support the Art and animations on patreonhttps://www.
com/wolfduckstudios Enter the text or HTML code here
Our long-time supporter Kaiser has made another offer Interns are to go to http://www.
com/fund-raising/ print out our form use it and send us the information back first registered intern or[…]
Are we in the matrix? That is the question plaguing so many.
It irks even myself from time to time.
If we are the movie is our captors way of[…]