The Purge
Yes here we are folks tackling the purge movies. Just relax as you hear our standpoints on the movies from our own discussions on the matter
Thanks Wolfie first off is a review on the three movies. I pretty much felt the concept was a bit well thought out. It almost felt so creative I thought I was watching Saw all over again what about you guys?
I for one have to agree with the saw comment but not in your line of thinking pal
Oh well what then?
I think Wolfie is just playing the Lore card and its understandable. Here we are filling in the gaps with little bits of information rather then a clear defined prequel for the very first purge.
Exactly Sher now what is your standing Katherine?
Can we not watch….movies like that?
She’s scared
Am not….
Ok so shall we question the likely hood of this working n our country
Sure let’s say Donald Trump somehow makes it so that one night a year we can do whatever crime we want get away with it.
Ok smart mouth what do you think would happen in purge number 1
I think there wouldn’t be so much death people would take purge one as some kind of joke and several people will just loot what I assume to be a closed walmart. See the difference here is we have the movies at Hand. We would automatically assume a joke and the few who would believe the law was real would probably just loot for personal gain to test the water but come purge 2 all hell would break loose in our country.
So you honestly think it would work? I don’t Killing the poor to make it so the government has more money in their pocket…..No
I’m not saying the purge works however they do that already we have our own technical purge a way to lesson the population but with higher crime rate. Look at the gangs and so on. Crime makes people want government *Plays xfiles theme while matrix code loads on screen*
are you just tossing conspiracies around thats my job but you did beat me to my punchline in this concept.
So let me get this shit straight you two are saying that the purge cant work but organized crime already lines the governments pockets so why would they bother making this a law?
Conspiracy theories are fun to think about but Sherry here usually takes it farther then me Carmen.
Oh Roxy dear I intend to start off I call hacks! Killing the homeless and the poor will not lower the crime rate as much as you think. Humans are Jealous creatures. The old cliche of the wife killing her cheating husband would naturally skyrocket. Think about it if all crimes are legal that one night how many guys do you think are going to go out and screw the first helpless girl they see. Do you see where this is going Rox?
Yes the purge would not only increase crime but threaten to destroy us all. Once you kill someone its more then likely you’ve severed something in your mind. Your taste for blood raises. Killing becomes an addiction. We create a ton of serial killers with one law.
Well ladies should this become a thing.
Sheryl stop being crazy.
Not a purge but lets have one night every 4 years where Thievery is legal and we all loot walmart and several banks.
Let’s call it Blue Friday
You girls are hopeless
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